Competition details
- Open to all in Bay Area
- Form a group with family and friends
- Build a chariot with any materials (eco friendly preferable) – see details below
- Bring your chariot to temple and register your submission on Sunday, June 23rd before 11:30 am
- Prizes will be announced after the chariot procession
- Win exciting prizes – see below for details
Building Chariot – No boundaries to your creativity!
- You can use any materials (eco-friendly recommended) – Example – cardboard, wood, paper, clay, Popsicle sticks, fruits, Legos etc.
- No size limit – go as big as you can!
- Place Krishna or Jagannath or other Vishnu forms in your Chariot
- Add details and make it exciting – people, procession, paraphernalia, landscape etc
- Winning criteria – Craftsmanship (neatness and technique), Uniqueness (design, materials, originality), Quality, Details and Environmental friendly
Exhibition and Prizes on June 23rd
- Top 3 winners will be chosen based on above criteria
- Medals and Certificates will be awarded to the winners
- Chariots will be exhibited for everyone to view on Sunday, June 23rd (Ratha Yatra festival day)
Contact: For any questions or comments please contact: rathayatra@ihf-usa.org